I decided that Friday would be my day of rest. At least from Exercise. I went to work (don't I look bored?) and as soon as work was done I headed off for the day. I started by returning the shoes (the ones for zumba) that I purchased at JCPenney's . I hit up the grocery store. I filled up my car with gas and then I went home. At home I unloaded the car, did laundry, cleaned the house and did all sorts of house work. I was HUNGRY. Ok, maybe my mind was telling me that I was hungry. I wasn't taking any chances. I decided that I wouldn't eat until certain 'chores' were done here at the house. Worked like a charm. I got so involved in my activities that I ended up not eating until even later than I planned. I as on the go.

Saturday dawned and I had actually planned on exercising, but life just got away from me. I relaxed in the morning, waiting for our friends to pick up our poor somewhat dead car. We are going to try to revive it enough to sucker a bit more time out of it before it totally dies. (basically it needs a few small things to hold it over....hopefully). After our friends left, I made lunch and then Todd and I got ready to leave. We decided to mosey down to Winchester, VA and just roam a bit, have dinner and then hit up a CD Release party for some of our clients. I dressed...and I have to say, the newly rediscovered confidence was at play. I dressed. I dressed nice. I didn't just simply wear the jeans and sweatshirt that I normally grab. I felt good. My husband, also known as Mr. Sabotager wasn't very complimentary. Seriously? He said my shirt was a bit slutty.....uhhh I don't think so putz! I was going to describe it..but figured I'd put picture on here instead... NOT at all slutty is it? I wore it with jeans and black heeled boots. And uhhhh it's WINTER...I wore a black sweater over it all. Slutty?? I think not. Oh well...I've said that there are problems in the marriage.....my reemerging self confidence must threaten and freak him out. TOUGH LUCK BUSTER!

I chose wisely at dinner...but was totally shocked! I drank my normal, water with lemon at dinner. My husband got an iced tea. They charged him 2.99 for his ice tea. Guess what I was charged for my tap water?????? Or actually maybe they charged me for the lemon! 79 cents?? Yup....I would have carted my big fat water jug in and saved the 79 cents...who cares....79 cents is 79 cents! After diner we headed to the aforementioned CD release party. It was OK..not my favorite genre of music. This one was old style bluegrass music. (Marv Ashby and High Octane in case you care....we have recorded their last two CD's) The musicianship was good though, and they were entertaining...so all was good. Regardless, it was an evening of PR for our business. We left there at 11 or so.....got home at midnight. Of course I couldn't go right to bed....so I laid in bed and read a bit......

Regardless.....Sunday morning my alarm went off bright and early. I didn't ignore it. Even though it was cold and only 18 degrees. There was never any thought to ignore it. And by 7:30 I was at the battlefield (Antietam) and hopping out of my car to join up with Sherry. Day one week three of the couch to 5k is history. Did I mention that it was 18 degrees???? We even followed up the training run with a walk! (the walk is our extra time to chit chat). I was actually surprised at how 'easy' this one was. We actually ran a few 3 minute intervals. Yeah, doesn't seem like a big thing to a runner...but to a non-runner that's HUGE. And it really didn't bother me! :-) My breathing the first run/jog interval was choppy...but I focused and pulled it under control and all was fine. Sherry and I talked about my 240.9 stickiness on the scales. (yes, Friday, Saturday and first thing this morning I was ...you guessed it 240.9 on the scales). We came up with a few ideas and a few theories on my weight. We got some talking done and I feel great!
I did re-weigh myself when I got home....and was down one pound to 239.9. I'll take that number. I haven't lost my focus. Even when the scales popped up and even as they have remained the exact same all week, my focus and determination has not wavered. But I think I needed to see that number change....even if just to prove that my scales are not broke. :-) I think that today is going to be a stay at home relax and watch movie kinda day. That works for me!
Getting ready to enter in the food for the rest of my day.....add in my exercise...plan tomorrows eating. I'm hot on the trail of thin, svelte and HEALTHY!