I committed the gravest of grave errors the last time I went grocery shopping. I hit the store many hours after I had eaten. Not only was there a long stretch of no food, but an hour or so of that time had me involved in running my daily mileage. So I was HUNGRY! We all know what that means!
I walked into the grocery store and the first thing I noticed was the table of cupcakes. MMMMM they looked so good. My mouth watered, just thinking about the yummy icing and the taste of a delectable morsel of cake in my mouth. My mmmm, turned into a moan as I kept moving. I didn't even break stride. I was focused.....I was heading to the produce department. The next table I passed held the containers of sugar cookies. You know the type. The pale sugar cookies with the thick icing on top. Many times they even have sprinkles. Have I mentioned lately that I love sprinkles? I never really bought much stuff like that. I would rather make my own cookies. But I have had these goods.....people bring them to work for potlucks and customers delight in feeding us. I looked at the cookies and a feeling of sadness settled upon me. I wanted the cookies. I don't want to have to guard against the cookies and the cakes for the rest of my life and I admit that the sense of sadness bore down upon me the whole way through the grocery store.

Did I buy any of those delectably tempting snacks? NO, not a one! I headed straight for the produce department and I purchased lots of fresh foods. I bought dairy products. I bought healthy foods. I may have been sad, but I did not waver in my mission!
I don't mind sharing what I purchased in the produce section. I bought strawberries, (soon we will be picking strawberries..yippee), avocados, kiwi, carrots, sprouts and cherries. I saw the cherries and I WANTED them. I didn't think anything of it....UNTIL I hit the check out line. Do you see that in the picture??? I paid thirteen dollars and fifty four cents for that package of cherries. Holy cow, they should be gold plated for that price. My mouth dropped when I saw the price on the cash register. Eii Yii yii! I can guarantee you that there will be none of those cherries that end up in the compost pile because they got overripe before I could eat them!
There are people out there that say that eating healthy is cheaper than eating junk. I beg to differ. Seriously? $13.54 for maybe 6-8 portions I could have bought a bag of chips for three bucks and had it last me the same amount of time.
No matter. The cost is worth it in my book. I am worth it! (Hopefully I won't be craving an out of season expensive fruit next week though!)
Good for you on sticking to your plan!
I have to agree that there's nothing cheap about eating healthy food.
Great job passing up the cupcakes and cookies! Wow, I have never seen cherries that expensive. I have had to skip buying fruit while they were out of season, because they apparently are gold plated here too :) It's sad that junk often is cheaper than fresh fruit.
You got a deal on those cherries! They were $6.99 per pound and there was not one bag that was a pound - more like 1 1/2 or 2 in each! Luckily, I caught the price or I would have been in the same boat! :-/
$6.99 per pound yesterday where I shop...so not awake yet...
I'm sure you have read my struggles with the grocery store. Ed loves the grocery store. And grapes are my weakness. Doesn't matter in season, out season. I HAVE to have them.
I love cherries, just not the price!
OUCH!!! Expensive!! But I bet they didnt go to waste!!! Im the same way about grapes!! LOVE EM!!
Woohoo! Congrats on the 30 pounds mark! so proud of you.
Eating healthy is definitely more expansive than junk food. I love cherries but they aren't in season at the moment but will in about a month here and that's when I buy them. 13 dollars is a lot indeed.
Strawberries are always expensive here, even if it's the season. I buy them though during Summer because I love them.
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