I'm a quitter. Yes, that's me, or rather it was the old me. It has taken me years 40 to be exact to 'get it'. It has taken me 40 years to realize that you don't quit when it gets tough. You don't quit when you get bored. You don't quit when you don't like it. You push through and FINISH. It started with me working to finish some of my unfinished cross stitch projects. (I've made headway...out of the ten unfinished projects that I had last fall, I now only have 3...and that will go down to 2 in the next day or so!). It carried through to the C25K program. I was DETERMINED to finish it and I did! I'm tired of being a quitter. I am going to be the finisher from now on!
My favorite quote from The Biggest loser was a few years ago when one of the contestants realized that they were not going to win a difficult challenge so they just walked off and didn't finish it. When the reckoning with the trainers came about the results of the challenge Bob looked at the contestant and said "What's the use of starting if you are just going to quit?" How true!!!
So the previous two weeks of my weigh ins I posted WONDERFUL numbers I lost 2.9 pounds one week and the following week I lost 3.1 pounds. Yes, 6 pounds in two weeks! I worked my tail end off this week and my eating was spot on. This week I posted a 1 pound loss. I'm OK with that. 7 pounds in 3 week is AWESOME!
The other day I officially registered for Pedal to Preserve in Lancaster, County on June 1! The first time I did this ride I weighed about 210 pounds (give or take). I'm 225.6. I don't think I can get back to that 210 in time for the ride this year (how cool would that be) , but I am to be as close as I possibly can be!! (OK, I'll be happy with being in in my 'teens' so anywhere 219 or below!
I am realizing that my blog is being overrun with running information. ....and so utterly repetitive! Oh well....it's my blog so read on.......!!

Saturday was gorgeous! Absolutely gorgeous. My husband was judging a battle of the bands at a local campground park. We had passes in and and heard that they had some great hiking trails, so the plan was to go hiking after the end of the battle of the bands. However, that didn't materialize (Todd hadn't eaten lunch and was hungry so we went home). I didn't let that stop me from being active. He went out to mow and I went to the C&;O Canal and ran. I started the run and almost immediately I felt heavy and just well slow. I wasn't quitting. The run quickly became a thing of 'I just want to finish the miles I had planned" It was not a thing of trying to better my time it was simple a thing of finishing. I ran (ok ok ok, I jogged) onward! I started noticing that my heart rate was running higher than normal. Odd. Very odd. Could it have been that I don't normally run in the afternoon, so maybe my HR is higher in the afternoon? I thought about it for a while, but then just said oh well, I wasn't in any danger, and I wasn't struggling to breathe so I just carried on. Eventually I checked my mileage and that's when I realized why my heart rate was higher. I was pushing it at my fastest and while I thought I was going slow, I was actually running at a fast clip (for me). I finished my run with 3.5 miles on the clock and my best average pace ever (I did walk a cumulative of about 30-60 seconds). What shocked me was my fastest pace. I just keep track of it, but I don't hold it as any set in stone thing, just basically as the fact that I for a few short seconds at least, got my body moving that fast. I was previously tickled because I had showed a 10:00 fastest pace. I finished yesterday with a fastest pace of 8.27. What? My body actually went that fast (even if only for a few seconds). ha ha ha So what felt slow actually was a pretty good run!!!

Sunday morning I woke up at 5:30 and I was out on the battlefield early. I wanted to get my run in before my weekly Sunday morning walk with Sherry! I don't know many stats about the run as my GPS malfunctioned (I have no clue what happened). I did actually realize this fact about a half mile into my run but said 'screw it' and decided to just run to run. I knew the route I was using would be just a hair over 3 miles so that was all I needed. :-) I finished it in an average time frame and my heart rate actually ran lower than normal. Go figure. Oh well. (and I knew I wasn't pushing it as hard as I could during my run because of my heart rate reports).
Running on the battlefield at sunrise makes me want to get out with my camera!!!!!!! So home now....relaxing......I'm going to have lunch and then mosey up to hang with my family for the day. Not sure what I'll get into whilst there!
i LOVE hearing about your runs! so glad you hung in and became a "runner" and i KNOW you wont quit because you're hooked , on days you cant your bummed!lolol you're doin great darlin xoxoxo
I still am a quitter sometimes except for running. Yes, sometimes I don't run as often in a week but since March 2009 I have consistently run and that's the longest I have ever done a sport.
I do think that you can quit if you don't like doing something. Life is too short to do things you don't like. That's why I didn't renew my gym membership, I don't like going there and I was paying for not going. For me doing home workouts and running is something I like and I don't quit doing that.
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