So this morning I woke up and I went into the kitchen. I made the planned breakfast for Todd and I. I packed his lunch, I prepped a bit for dinner (it's a zumba night so that means I'll be back late and it's nice to have some of the prep work completed before hand) and I put my lunch together. As I was doing all this I realized that I had forgotten to put a huge component from one of my meals into myfitnesspal. A 150 calorie mistake. that would put me 250 plus calories over my daily budget. (I try to not use too many of my earned calories. I eat no more than 100 of my earned calories. I just don't lose if I do....that's the way my body works.) I pondered what I wanted to do. Each meal was halfway made so it would be somewhat difficult to switch directions in mid stream. I carried on with the preparations as planned, including that all so important component. I had made my choice.
What choices did I have?

I had the choice to throw up my hands and eat the additional calories and act like nothing was out of line.
I had the choice to add a bit more exercise into my day to EARN the additional calories.
Choices. So important in life.
Yes, I got on the exercise bike and rode 30 minutes which netted me enough calories to just barely cover my over expenditure for the day.
The crazy thing?????? I got to work and realized almost immediately (don't even ask why I realized it it just hit me like a ton of bricks) that I forgot the cheese on my salad...which actually dropped me down 80 calories. All my stressin' was for naught! It's all good, an additional spurt of exercise will NOT hurt me! :-)
Hi MaryFran! I agree with your planning that makes so much difference. I often take a few minutes in the morning to think about my calorie amount for the day (which varies a bit for me depending upon the day of the week). When I'm not expecting more calories, I typically do not get hungry for calories that I know I'm not going to get. It is the opposite of a Pavlov dog. :D
:-) Marion
Planning ahead makes a great difference. Definitely following your footsteps. :-)
Planning is definitely what helps me stay on track. It also saves a lot of time at the grocery store.
I've always said getting healthier is one good choice at a time and you're making great choices.
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