Today is fausnaught day. Donut day to those who don't know what a fausnaught is. It's all in conjunction with Fat Tuesday. Get your last donut before Lent. :-) Of course I arrive at work and a customer had dropped off a big box of donuts for us to nibble on. They smell soooo fantastic. But I'm ignoring the donuts. No sirree! I don't have the calories for a donut. OK...technically I do. I earned calories this morning with my I COULD eat a donut and theoretically be OK. (I looked 360 calories for a peanut butter donut.) But I don't need a donut. Nope. I'm fine.

Exercise. Did I mention that I've already exercised??? Today I set out to do Day 2, week three of my training program. I had every intention of following the plan. I promise! Week three is a warm up....then a 1.5 minute run...a 1.5 minute then a two three minute runs and walks..back and forth. It is capped off by another 1.5 minute run and equal walk. And of course the cool down. I started. I focused on my breathing. I had read that it should be a 3.2 ratio. Three steps of breathing in through nose...and two steps of breathing out through the mouth. (that seems to be the generally accepted breathing technique for apparently keeps you breathing in on different step patterns so that your body is not always doing a breath in on the same foot....who knows...). I did the first run segment and felt great. I walked the walk section. I picked up my run and started on my first 3 minute run. I felt great. At one point I started to get a bit panicky in my breathing but I was able to quickly pull it back under control and was only out of control for a few seconds. I caught it quickly and early enough and the breathing never became a problem.

In this case, my curiousity turned into an epic success!
congrats on NINE FREAKIN MINUTES OF WALKING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wow congrats! I wish I could get out and go running but it is just too cold by me! When the spring comes I will for sure be out there literally running my butt off, haha.
great work hon and stay off those scales. i cant weigh in but once a week or i'd drive myself bonkers! lolol
I'm very late in catching up on my reading, but good job! on your run. =)
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