How often has this comic strip happened in my past. Throughout 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2012 this comic strip was my life. It's actually not very comical. Yeah, it shows me that I'm not alone. But it reminds me of my failures during not one, not two, not three but four long years. Four years in which I gained 70 pounds of the 135 that I had previously lost. Four years of feeling miserable because I had no control over my addiction, my body and my life. No, that isn't funny at all. I've turned it around though and I'm absolutely amazed at how incredible I feel. I feel on top of the world. Yeah, life still has many suck factors. But there is something to be said for taking control of something that previously was spiraling out of control. It really does change my whole demeanor about life. I teetered on the edge of depression for most of those four years. (OK, some friends would say that I actually fell over the cliff into the pits of depression. LOL) But miraculously, I got my eating under control and the depressive feelings have eased up. The world doesn't look so bleak.

Last night at Zumba I was talking to some of my zumba peeps. We were talking about what an awesome workout it is. But then we segued into the other side affects that working out has. We unanimously agreed that when we are stressed out the last thing we WANT to do is to go to zumba...however we all KNOW that it is the only thing that we SHOULD do! We talked about the healing properties that stomping our feet and blowing off some steam in the form of exercise. Working out is not just for our health. It is for the whole body. Like I said, I HATE the process of starting exercise. I dread starting, I dread it all. I even sometimes hate the process of exercise. However, I LOVE the after effects. I love that wide awake alive feeling that infuses my body when I'm done. I love the sense of peace and happiness that overtakes me. I love the sense of accomplishment and pride. I love love love the aftereffects. So I keep pushing on through the hate stages because I know what comes afterward!
Great post! Thinking about our situations and knowing is one thing, but action is required. I'm right there with you!!
Man, our posts today are clones of each other, to a certain extent! LOL Good job!!! That high is so great!
First: I love the charm idea in your previous post, what a good idea!
Exercise is stress relief for me, not so much the morning workouts because I just woke up but the walks with my dog after work do wonders for me. It gives me a chance to leave my workday behind me and refreshes me after being inside everyday.
I don't always want to exercise but I never regret it afterwards. If I don't want to and skip it I feel guilty afterwards all day.
You have come along way from the Maryfran of the past. Way to go!
Keeping Thinking Thin!
It's an attitude!
I love to exercise. I know, I'm weird. It's the one thing I've not had trouble doing consistently. Sure, every once in a while I think I don't feel like it but I usually negotiate that I will, if only for 10 minutes or run 1 mile and then I can quit. Guess what? I've only quit once and the next day was diagnosed with pneumonia! It was probably my body trying to tell me to rest.
I absolutely agree! There are times when I really don't want to workout but after I do the feeling is amazing.
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