
Saturday, January 12, 2013


I was able to navigate the potluck yesterday.  It was difficult.  I wanted to eat eat eat.  I slipped up and ate three crackers with some spreadable cheese before I realized what I was doing.  I immediately went to my computer and logged the addition into myfitnesspal.  I had to make an adjustment to my dinner, but it worked out perfectly.   I've got this! I HAD it so well that later in the evening I looked at my calorie count and realized that I had enough calories to indulge in my super yummy cookies.  I had ONE cookie.  I nibbled that cookie and savored every nibble.  This is what it is all about!  SHAZAM!

Life continues to throw me curveballs.  But I refuse to allow these curveballs to derail me from my weight loss efforts!!!  They are coming at me and I'm ducking out of the way!  I am in control of only one thing in my life...and that is my weight loss efforts.  The curveballs will continue to fly around me I'm sure.  But I'm not going to let them win.  This is about so much more than my weight.  This is about who I am.  Am I a quitter?  Am I someone that doesn't value myself enough to take care of me?   NO, this journey that I"m on is too important.  It is not just about  my phsyical is about my mental health!   SHAZAM! 

Think Thin!


  1. You go, girl!!!! Congrats!

    I love you analogy to curve balls, too. I need to remember this post of yours when curve balls start flying around me. Thanks!

  2. It's so true that things happen out of the blue!! The more you conquer them though I think the easier it will be.
    Congrats on a great day!!

  3. Anonymous2:17 PM

    Shazaam makes me laugh and smile everytime! thinking thin..

  4. Anonymous9:01 PM

    Your mindset has "success" written all over it. Me too about eating a cookie slowing. The pleasure lasts all that much longer.


    Well done Mary Fran
