I'm an addict. My addiction is food. I eat when I'm happy, I eat when I'm sad. I eat to celebrate and I eat to forget. Last week I totally succumbed to the addiction....I tried to feed my sadness away. I tried to eat so much that I would forget the pain I feel inside me. I finally came up for air and then I hated myself even more for the abuse that I did. In reality, I didn't eat 4 cakes, 6 dozen cookies, or other crazy things. I just made poor choices. I'm embarrassed to say how many times I ate at Burger King. yes, Burger King...and I don't eat fast food. Poor choices.....but still feeding an addiction that burns brightly in me.
How will I overcome. How will I beat this sadness that is threatening to take over me, lock stock and barrel? I don't know. But I do know that food is NOT the answer. Now if I can just convince myself of that each time I go to the kitchen!