
Monday, July 16, 2012

Donuts and ice cream

My weekend was busy.  I literally ran from the moment I got off work at 2PM on Friday until I got home last night.  I haven't even finished editing all my pictures from the weekend yet.  Friday I helped my brother on the house that he is remodeling.  Saturday I helped Todd run sound at a bluegrass festival.  Saturday evening I hung out with my friend and her son.  Sunday Todd and I did a day trip and hit up some historical museums.  BUSY.  eating was less than stellar.  Not so bad calorie wise, but not healthy choices.  (yes, I had a donut for breakfast Saturday AND Sunday morning)

My victory.  Todd brought home a large ice cream for me on Thursday night.  THURSDAY  NIGHT .  I started eating it on THURSDAY night.  Guess when I finished that puppy?????   SUNDAY NIGHT!  I nibbled on it for  4 days!!!!  That is a victory, usually I just scarf it all down, no matter that it is too much and makes me ill.  I didn't do it this time!

Emotionally, I'm hanging on.....trying to stay positive and trying to focus on MY healthy and the things that I can change!!!


  1. MF I think you should be very proud of yourself for these kind of small victories! We can't always eat what's healthy, it's not always practical. Plus we shouldn't totally be deprived of a treat! But to resist finishing something like that in one sitting is a great thing!!! And it sounds like you were very active this weekend, which allows a little lee-way food-wise! Good job!!

  2. Good going. I always eat better on a calm day. Haahahah need more of those.

  3. that is willpower, and you know what if you can do that you can do literally anything! xoxoxoxo

  4. Way to go!! That is a victory!

  5. Keep on hanging on. Sounds like you are super busy, but keeping focus. Good for you!

  6. Wins are wins no matter big or small, rack them up and celebrate:)


  7. Way to go MaryFran! It takes real control to finish a treat over 4 days. And, you get to enjoy longer :)

  8. Sounds like you're getting your head back in the game. Great job!
