
Wednesday, May 18, 2011

day three

Day one and two are in the books.  Day three is crusing along quite nicely.  I was a little worried when a co-worker brought cupcakes in...but I looked at my points (and what I had left for the day) and I pondered...and i had a small cupcake.  I actually did HAVE the points/food allowance in my food budge.  I am still actually under budget!  WOO HOO.   So I had a little cupcake and I'm done.   Today really is crusing along.  I made it to the gym this morning before work.   20 minutes on the eliptical.  40 minutes on the exercise bike (very important).  I will be attending zumba after work.  So 120 minutes of exercise today....and keeping my eating under control...that's a fabulous day.

How am I managing my food?   I am sitting at work and planning out my eating for the NEXT day.  I print up the page with my eating plan and I post it on the fridge door.  So this morning when I woke up to make breakfast I was able to look at the paper and know exactly what to make.  Exactly what I could eat....everything.  I also already knew exactly what to put into my lunchbox for my work lunch.  It's all there.  If it's on the page, I eat....if it's not...I don't!    So tomorrow is already planned and printed!   Will things change and skew my pages.  Yes, absolutely.  I fully expect that to happen.  But I can go with the it in.  Manage!  :-)

I'm trying to get back into riding shape.  After much careful consideration Todd and I registered for Pedal to Preserve.  We have 3 weeks. We haven't been on our bikes much....time, todd's oral surgery, my cold....etc etc etc has kept us away.  We are not even sure that this ride will happen for us...we'll see.


  1. Day three! Go girl! Passing up a cupcake- bravo! That is hard to do on day three! well... any day really.
    Thank you for the MUCH NEEDED motivation!
    Have a pretty day!

  2. Day 3-whhhooooooo
    day 4 will be a breeze

  3. Good for you on realizing you don't have to pass up everything. Especially if you have points for it :)

  4. Anonymous4:37 PM

    You're doing great! I love that you decided to eat a cupcake. I can't live my life without a goody once in a while!

    I bought a bike about a year ago and love it. I'm going tomorrow with my hubby and his friend.

    I read in your Bucket List that you want to return to Brooksville. I live about a 20 min. drive from there.

  5. you'll do it, you can do anything you set your mind to! xoxoxoxo

  6. That's the great thing about WW - being able to eat what you want if it fits in your points. Your planning is awesome. As for riding, I've been on my bike 5 times so far this season. I drafted a post that just hasn't made it on the blog yet but will share with you, not to scare you, that it was harder than I remembered!

  7. Great job! That's fantastic!
