SO while I was doing all this work I was thinking (well, and singing as I was listening to music the whole time)....I fell apart on my mileage goals. Basically I set a goal that was so darn high that it was near impossible. SOOOOO I came up with a new goal. I am a weight watchers....I count points. SO this year, I'm aiming to earn at LEAST 2500 Activity points. For those of you that don't know how activity points work.....for me walking for 15 minutes is roughly 1 activity point. However, if I jog (up the intensity) it goes to 2 points. It is also based on how much I weigh...as I lose.....I'll earn less for the same amount of work. :-) This goal is better for me......for those days when I'm out in the garden shovelling and working REALLY hard....I am still earning activity points. ANd no, I dont' count a simple house clean (1 hour job) in my activity points. Today when I did it for 5 hours without a break...yeah, that is a 'special' occaision and that is counted.
Tonight at some point I'm going to go back through my daily tracker and figure out how many AP's I have already earned this year. :-) I'm always religious about counting them. :-) I'll post my progress up to date tomorrow!
I like your idea of counting activity points. It's a great plan! Enjoy your clean house :)
There is something therapeutic about a good house clean. Out with the old and on with the new. I always take the 'out with the old and on with the new' clean as a signal about how I feel about myself. It generally starts with just a little bit of ordinary housework that suddenly snowballs, literally as I am doing it, and I start pulling things out, and emptying drawers, taking down curtains and all that silliness lol -- I mean - what the ....?? But it comes with this feeling of starting over, fresh take, new point - I want all that old negativity thrown out - and a new positive airy house...Not there yet - but I will get there again soon I can feel it in my water (as my gran used to say. lol)
Clean house almost seems like a fresh beginning to me :)
Sounds like a great goal!
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