
Monday, April 26, 2010

A weekend

How utterly fitting that last weeks weight watcher meeting was about surviving and thriving on weekends. I have been doing miserably on the weekends. I used to weigh in early in the week. It worked for me as I weighed in right after my I kept a really close reign on my eating over the weekend. I now weigh in on Saturday my weekend looms and I don't have that thought in my head. It's bad of me, but I tend to overeat on the weekends now. So I have to get my weekend mo-jo in line.

So you may be wondering how I did this past weekend. Not overly bad. I didn't go hog wild on my points. I didn't eat so much that I'm in the hole. I actually did utilize about 20 weekly points. What did I eat? Saturday: A breakfast egg sandwich and some hash brown potatoes, lunch was a side salad and a turkey sandwich. Dinner was southwestern chicken and one piece of cornbread with applesauce for dessert. So nothing really 'bad'. Yes, lacking in the fruits and veggies department. Sunday: Breakfast was toast (light bread, light butter and a smidge of pumpkin butter) Lunch was turkey sloppy joes and a small serving of homemade potato salad and grapes. Dinner was a turkey cheese sandwich (flatbread) and yikes....potato chips. Oh yes, I did have one....ONE....golden oreo cookie on Sunday.

So not toooo bad (we ate out too much)...but enough to fly through my points and cause my weight to jump today. Darn carbs.....I was heavy on the sandwiches....bread!!!

It's amazing how quickly those points add up! Tooo dang quickly if you ask me. :-)

Ok, no crying over lost points........back on track today.
Breakfast: raspberry, banana smoothie (4 points)
Lunch: Corn, green beans, strawberries, banana (5 points)
Dinner: Pb&J, banana, grapes (8 points)
Snack in the evening: TBD (but I'll have points left for popcorn or something after my workout)

Why is my diner so lunch boxish? Because that is exactly what it is. I packed my lunch and dinner and brought both to work. I also packed my workout clothes. Even though my house is right on the way to the gym...I will not stop, because if I do I will end up skipping the gym!!!!

Hold me to it.......GYM GYM GYM!


  1. Get your ass to the GYM! There, happy?? No crying over points. Your attitude seems good.

    Here's to both of us finding our weekend mojo!

  2. I was just thinking that amazingly fast calories add up! I added up the calories that I was eating before I started my plan and it was approx 4000 per day!! Ouch. But when your not paying attention that is what happens.

    Have a good workout at the GYM!! :)

  3. LOL, everything does add up so fast! But, doesn't it *really* force you to think about what you're eating? Before I started my healthy journey, I could mindlessly eat and eat and eat!

    Have fun at the gym!!!! ;)

  4. Oh do enlighten me. What on earth is a Sloppy Joe?


  5. Hi Mary Fran, the photography course I am taking is pretty basic, but it is what I need to transition from a point and shoot to a DSLR.

    I post about it a lot on my photo blog,

    The course is found here:

    However, where it says to e-mail the author, she has stopped taking the e-mails now, (the course is a few years old), however you can post on the forums on the site and get feedback from other photography. Sometimes the feedback takes a while though. Still, I am learning about my different camera settings, about composition, and will be learning other things such as lighting, etc.

  6. Oh, I looked over your photo blog, and I think you'd enjoy the course, especially lesson 1 which you can do with any camera (later lessons call for a camera with at least some manual settings, don't know what camera you have). Lesson 1 covers composition, how to "frame" the image to make it look its best. Have you ever taken a photo and thought, "Wow, that looks so great!" and then also taken other photos of the same subject that didn't get the "wow" reaction? The difference is photographic composition, the "wow" is one where you, possibly unknowingly, followed some rules of composition that makes the photo look better. However, if you study up on it, you can intentionally compose "wow" shots! :)
