
Monday, April 12, 2010


Park museum, originally uploaded by mfcstotler.

What a gorgeous day for a walk!!!! No, I didn't walk at the park today. I actually took this picture yesterday....but the park is a great place to walk! I walked back in the woods behind my house. We were actually on a mushroom hunt. Sadly we didn't find any....well, not edible ones at any rate.

I strapped on my pedometer this morning and I'm counting my steps. I'm thinking that I'll get a TON of steps in the next two weeks as I'm getting ready to walk in a March for the babies walk (March of Dimes). That walk will take place on April 24th. If it was a bit further out, I would probably raise money for this walk, but two weeks is not much I"ll just donate myself and maybe later this year I'll raise money for another cause.

We are a week out from GWG. WHEW....I'm going to be a busy girl the next few weeks!


  1. What a beautiful photo!

    I have been wanting to get a pedometer. You can challenge yourself to beat your steps from the day before :)

    I think that is great that you will be walking for the March of Dimes! How long is the walk?

  2. What a great way to spend time walking...doing it for a wonderful cause. And isn't it fun to walk when the weather is so nice, and things are waking up, blooming and perking our spirits up?

  3. You know a part of me wants to come walk with ya on the 24th lol but that's a pretty good drive up to where you are. Sounds nice though and that park picture is beautiful.

  4. Gorgeous picture! Keep up the good work! See you in a few days! We can "practice" walking this weekend!
