
Sunday, April 11, 2010


smoothie, originally uploaded by mfcstotler.

YUMMY. This is my new favorite thing....smoothies. I usually don't like smoothies....basically because of the heavy use of milk. However, I am not using much milk in my smoothies... Really tasty. I literally throw some berries in there (frozen from last year) a banana some agave nectar and a splash of milk. SUper tasty!

I woke up early and rode the exercise bike.....I knew that if I didn't do it early that there was a VERY good chance that I would get to it at all. So I just woke up and did it. Happy that I did too.

Getting ready to wear my pedometer starting tomorrow for a challenge that I want to participate in.. I'm also fixing to walk a lot in preparation for the weight watchers walking challenge AND I just had a friend send an email out asking for someone to be accountable with to wear a pedometer every day and to post our results. Hello...this MUST be a sign that I need to walk more. haa haa haa


  1. Your smoothie looks really good. I love them in the summer. You should try using a handful of spinach, lettuce, mango, banana and ice. I was scared of the spinach but now I like it.

    Have a great evening.

  2. Love smoothies and i'm doing the step challenge tomorrow as well :)

  3. The smoothie looks super yum. Thanks for the reminder I need to get back into the habit of attaching the pedometer in the morning, lol. :)

  4. I can hear pedometers being dragged out of drawers all over the place. Mine is dusted off and done its first mornings work, Who'da thunk!

  5. that smoothie looks way better than the one I tried to make lately! lol....

  6. That smoothie looks deliciously refreshing :-p

    Good luck with your WW walking challenge.
