
Tuesday, April 13, 2010


I woke up early this morning and my first thought was "dang, I don't want to go to the gym." So I rolled over, curled up against my husband and promptly fell back asleep. I woke up a bit later. I got up to go to the bathroom and as I walked across the room I thought, "Dang, I CAN'T go to the legs feel like they weigh a ton". I did my business, stumbled back across the room, fell into bed, snuggled up against my husband and fell back asleep. I finally woke up for good and instead of getting out of bed I picked up my book and started reading. When my husband woke up I asked him if he wanted to go to the gym. (It's always easier to not go if the other person doesn't go). He waffled. And finally I said...."lets just go and get it over with". So I did. I figured I could just walk or do something light. I called my mom and we met her at the gym. I got on a treadmill beside her and started walking....and then I remembered my mantra. "Fat hurts worse than any exercise" and I kicked it up. I jogged. I jogged in 5 minute stopping....5 minutes walking....5 minutes jogging.....5 minutes walking...5 minutes jogging.....over and over. I did it with a smile on my lips. I then went on to my strength training...I upped my weights on almost everything. (I'm sore now!) I pushed through the lack of motivation and I pushed through the pain (the heavy legs....the seized up muscle in my shoulder) and just did it!


  1. Great job on getting out of bed and going to the gym! And then to be so determined to notch it up!

  2. Oh come on!! I meaaaan!!! you could have tried a bit harder with the hubby -- I am sure he would have turned over and forgotten all about the gym! lol.

    Roflol --

  3. Way to go!! That is awesome! :)

  4. Wowsa's i don't know whether i could have gotten up with a nice warm bed calling my name :) Good for you!!

  5. That was hard to do and now just remember the feeling of how good you felt after you went. Know what I mean....the afterglow.
