
Friday, February 05, 2010

It's snowing!'s starting to snow!!!! It's not really laying on the roads or sidewalks yet.

I didn't make too much progress on my yearly goals last week. I did ride 57.5 miles. So I at least didn't fall too far behind. However, I did not make up any miles! I loooked this morning and I am actually 43 miles behind schedule. (that's not calculating in my two week grace that I built into my schedule.....I'm planning on riding 60 miles a week for the year....but my grand total of miles I want to hit is 3000 miles...which is actually only 50 weeks of 60 miles)

Weight....I actually didn't make it to a meeting...we were in the throes of a snow storm and the roads were hideous at that point (WV doesn't do anything to their roads so I didn't want to even go across the river). But I will say that it was looking like a gain on tuesday. I will also say that since then I've recouped that gain and it looks like I've dropped some so I may be able to show a loss at this upcoming weigh in.

Strength training.....nope. Well, does it count that we had two snow storms (only 5-6 inches each time...) but I did shovel both times!!!

New recipes.....I made an Irish Potato Casserole It was a bit fattening, but it was quite tasty!

So all was not a total loss.

This week my biggest challenge will be a snowed in weekend. I tend to want to go to the kitchen and bake!!!

1. Keep my eating under control at ALL times, even through the weekend. No excuses about "I shovelled for hours so I can eat like a starving pig"
2. Get my 60 miles in and hopefully cut down my 40 mile deficit.

And those are my goals for the week!


  1. Hi maryfran, yea the snow is heading up toward pennsylvania too...and aren't the snowed in weekends the hardest!! luckily i work this weekend and will have fun trying to maneuver the roads. get out of the way everybody!!

  2. We got our weekly dose of snow last night, too.

    I'm in. 1# per week, we can do this.

  3. good luck during the snow storm
    i hate getting snowed in cuz i tend to eat also

    i love the shoes
    if your not sure just try them out in a store
    but i love mine already walked for an hour today in them

  4. Anonymous1:39 PM

    I can't imagine being snowed in. The only thing I can equate that to is when a hurricane is coming and boy do I eat too many snacks.

    I hope you do well...

    AND yes...shoveling snow counts :)

  5. Do you have any closets that need cleaning or floors that need scrubbing or pictures that you need to organize? I always save those type of chores for snow days when I know I'm not able to get out of the house. (Although laying around in my flannel pants with a cup of coffee and a good book comes in a close second.)

    Hope you make the best of your snowbound weekend.
