Lets look at my year goals first.
1. The mileage. I did 28.9 miles this past week. Only half of what I should have done. Not too bad when I add in that I was sick for most of that time frame. I am now at 129.91 for the year...I should be at 180 miles. So I've got some makeup mileage to do.
2. Weekly goals....I set them...worked on them to some extent...we'll get to that later
3. Strength training...nada (hey, I was sick!)
4. New recipes...yes, 1 I made Berry Banana Bread
Ok, as for my weekly goals there were as follows:
1. Water Consumption...especially on the long weekend. I actually did really good with this!!!
2. Stick to my points....religiously! I stuck to my points...but I didn't make them HEALTHY points
3. Make the food that goes into my mouth nutritious and healthy Failed on this one...it was carb city

4. Hop back onto the exercise....catch up with the mileage that I'm behind! Ok, so I was a bit sick and failed on this....Having this as my weekly goal pushed me and I got 1/2 of my goal for the week at least!
So this week....new weekly goals:
1. Water consumption again.
2. Exercise...I WILL do at least my 60 miles....but I want to start cutting into my 'debt' of where I'm behind....that means I have 40 extra miles to make up...above and beyond my 60 miles for the week. I may not make it all up this week, but I am to at least make a dent in my deficit.
3. Stay within my food budget...and make my points HEALTHY ones!
So there we have it!
I did ride the exercise bike this morning. I laid in bed and thought about ditching it....or 'waiting for this evening' (waiting never works because by the time I've worked all day I just don't want to worry with it) but I thought about my goal/motivator and it pulled me out of bed!
On a good note.......Lil' Mertz seems to be recovering well. How do I know? Well, I saw this last night.....

hi maryfran, i have trouble with the carbs too even though my calories may not be that high. i forced myself to make a yogurt smoothie yesterday with bananas and strawberries....also i'm eating a large spinach salad every day for lunch...."trying to get away from the flour and sugar.
stay away from the insids aisles of the grocery store as much as possiblee.
yea definatly looks like lil mertz is feeling better lol
thats cute
Hey you sound like you are doing well. Proud of you.
I just did a MAJOR confession session on my blog. I'm so happy to read blogs like yours where you just keep on plugging. It's really motivating.
Your cat is too cute :)
Getting sick can really throw a monkey wrench into your plans, can't it. I tend to want carbs when I'm sick too. Wonder why that is.
I loved the cat picture, I can't stop smilng now lol. Good luck with making up the miles.
:) Our cats could be twins!!
That cat is something else. I think I'll grab a glass of water now!
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