
Tuesday, April 21, 2009

tuesday check in

This morning I honored my vow. I weighed before my weekend began. Todd and I treated the weekend as a holiday. I did splurge and had a piece of cake on Saturday. I didn't eat all my fruits and veggies. I drank some diet soda and not my normal water. And on Sunday on the way home from my bike ride I just started thinking about how much and how good a milkshake would I got one. It was delish! That said, I still tried to eat responsibly and of course I rode my bike on Sunday for a few hours. :-) My vow was that I would get myself back on the scale on Tuesday morning no matter what. I stepped on the scale. At my pre weekend weigh in I was 202.8. This morning I was 201.8. Not to bad! Whew. So no damage!

I hopped on the good old exercise bike this morning. I'm kicking myself now. They were calling for thunderstorms this afternoon so i didn't ride my bike to work. And of course I'm sitting here and the sun is shinning! Oh well! I plan on riding a bit more tonight....either before TBL or during the first half!

I'm pretty happy with how my body did on the bike ride on Sunday. It is definitely the longest ride that I had ever done on the road!


  1. good for you for sticking to your word. Hope the thunderstorms don't arrive so you can get your bike ride in.

  2. Hey, no harm, no foul on the few little weekend treats you allowed yourself. Gosh, if we don't get a little goodie once in a while, this weight loss trip is gonna be long, hard, and could get ugly. Good for you sticking to your plan the way you did. A pound is a pound, ya know.

  3. I just read about your big bike riding day. I'm so proud of you and Donna. Way to go. You deserved the treats and didn't over do it or the scale would have told. Congrats on the give certificate. You look great!!!!

  4. Good for you sticking to what you said you would do. Don't worry about the treats over the weekend, everyone needs a treat once in a while.

  5. Great job!
    Keep up the good work and make sure you eat enough calories with all the extra biking you are doing! Remember what Bob said to the contestants last night on The Biggest Loser!

  6. Nice to see someones scale being nice this week. LOL Your doing great on the bike riding.

  7. I love that you trust your choices and have confidence. I am glad you loss. Have a good ride, and thanks for your sweet comments. I do look forward to them.
