
Monday, July 07, 2008

Monday's ride from hell

The holiday weekend is officially over, I'm back to work. ...... uhhh ....... hmmmm ........ Well, that's all I can really say about that. Other than to say that this year just seems to be flying by at warp speed!

This morning, I woke up so gung ho to make another day of healthy eating. Well, Todd wanted pancakes. Not exactly healthy eating. But I made them. I'll just watch what I eat the rest of the day. I did go for a ride. A section of my ride was on the towpath...which was extremely muddy! A bug hit my sunglasses and squashed up against the lense. AND I switched up and did a new route.....hillier than I'm used to. Oh my word, toward the end...on that last hill up from the river, I thought I was going to toss my cookies, er pancakes, on the side of the road. And I only went 10 miles!!! I'm hoping to have time tonight to hop onto the exercise bike and get a little more exercise in. We'll have to see about that one though!

I've got 7 points for dinner tonight. That should be doable. :-)