
Monday, November 03, 2008

Monday duldrums

Sherrick Trail, originally uploaded by mfcstotler.

I may be quiet...but I'm still plugging along in this journey. ON saturday and Sunday both, Todd and I went out hiking. The picture above is from the trail that we hiked on Sunday...don't you just love the little log steps that they put in on some of these trails (this one is from the Sherrick trail on the ANtietam Battlefield). On Saturday we walked the C&O Canal. This morning I rode the exercise bike. :-)

Just writing that last paragraph I'm blown away at how blessed I am that I have two national parks within walking distance from my house. And parks that are peffect for hiking, walking, and bike riding!

My weight is down to 191.2 from the 193 that I was at on Thursday morning.

I don't have much to say today. I"m feeling a bit blue.......


  1. *hugs* to cheer up the Monday blues... Think of your weight loss and being in ONEderland! That should make you smile :)

  2. I'm feeling blue today as well, but I haven't been on the exercise bike yet, and wasn't as ambitious as you were this weekend exercising. Could it be the change of moving the clocks?????? If you figure it out,let me know. At elast I am watching my eating, just don't feel like doing anything!

  3. I hope the blues go away for you quickly :) Love the picture!!

  4. Girl you are blessed to be that close to two great parks. Sorry your in a funk today. Hope it passes soon. Consider yourself virtually hugged.

  5. It's so hard for me to imagine you blue when I look at that happy picture at the top of your blog. I'm so sorry you are down. How would a BIG HUG be?

    Congrats on the loss. You are doing it, gal. Just keep it up.

    And enjoy those beautiful walks!!
