
Friday, October 31, 2008


Why am I so lacking the will power to carry on this journey of losing weight. I went to my meeting yetserday morning hoping that would pump me up and bolster my will power. I did good when I got home. I did good all day. Dinner rolled around and I did good. I cleaned up the kitchen and then it started. I was totally craving something salty. I had pretzels (luckily only one serving as if you remember I put the pretzels into sandwhich bags after counting out portions), I had baked tortilla chips (looking at it...probably only one serving), I had a weight watchers dessert sundae thingy. I had a WW sweet and salty bar. Ohhh and I had a 1 point piece of candy. WHYYYYYYY?????

This morning I woke up and exercised. I finished up my grocery list for the upcoming trip to the grocery store. AND I wrote my intake of food down for the day. Come hell or high water I'm sticking to it today! I actually have 2 points to spare to account for a snack sometime after dinner. Maybe I'll make popcorn...who knows. I'm hoping that maybe if my food intake is pre-written down that I'll stick to it!!!


  1. Honestly I think the change in weather has made me kind of sluggish lately. I'll see what happens after we change the clocks this weekend. I have been so tired lately, and nothing has changed in my schedule, so what's up with that? Keep up the good work journaling and planning. This is a GREAT habit to have even during difficult times. It makes you stop BEFORE you totally binge out.

  2. Anonymous1:20 PM

    Hey. We all have times when we're bingeier than others, if that's a word :-)

    keep tracking your food and maybe your mood so you can get to the bottom of the munchies.

  3. I find the longer I am on this journey, the more I don't want to be on it anymore! I'm just tired of always watching everythign I eat...but maybe this is the biggest hurdle to get over, and then the ride gets smoother.

  4. Writing it down really does help me, if I would just do it.
