
Thursday, October 02, 2008

thepathway near Sharpsburg

thepathway near Sharpsburg, originally uploaded by mfcstotler.

This morning I woke up and there was no doubt in my mind. I was riding the exercise bike come hell or high water. I hit up the bathroom first, as is my normal routine. I weighed myself. HOLY MOLY! 181.0 pounds. That is a loss of 5.6 pounds since TUESDAY? I thought I was shocked yesterday......woah doggie. Today I'm just plain and simple blown away! I refust to psychoanalyze the situation. I don't care at this point. Yep, it could have been water, yep, it could hav been the kick ass last few days I've had. I don't care. What I care about is that it was 181. 0 That puts me back into my 'happy 5 pound' area! (within 5 pounds from my lowest weight ever....I have always said I would be ok, happy if my weight stayed within 5 pounds of my lowest ever weight.....and if it went above it was panic time!). SO I'm a happy girl. It is also redoubling my motivation to go on vacation and really nail the vacation. I want to lose weight! (I'll be happy with a maintain though).

Anyway, so this morning I weighed myself and hopped onto the exercise bike. I was about 15 minutes into my ride when Todd woke up and mentioned the gym. Well heck, i was ready to hop of the bike and hit up the gym instead. But he then quickly remembered and obligation he had that would make the gym not quite as feasible. I suggested a walk on the canal. His eyes lit up. We had a winner. I rode the exercise bike for 30 minutes, ate lunch and got dressed and then walked on the canal for an hour! Not too shabby!

Vacation they are.
1. I'm taking homemade granola bars and 1 point candy (WW) so that we have something realativly healthy to snack on.
2. When we get there, I"m going to hit up the grocery store and have a few items on hand at my brothers house so that I can eat a decently healthy breakfast AND lunch at their house. (this will save us money also!)
3. Eat sensibly when we go out for dinner!
4. I'm planning on jogging or riding my brothers exercise bike in the mornings.
5. walking walking walking. I've told Todd that I want to walk walk walk as much as we can! Why drive that 1/2 mile to the Mexican restaurant that we want to visit when we can walk there!

I'm determined to make this vacation a successful weight week!


  1. WOW girl, you are doing great!!!1 I am so proud of you. Going to have to try those granola bars this weekend. YUMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM
    Like you, I will be happy with a maintain on vacation (we leave a week from Saturday). Should be easy for us since we are staying at my sisters time share and will cost most evenings, pack lunches and have our oatmeal/cheerios and coffee for breakfast. Definately will eat out one or two nights, heck it is a vacation and we are celebrating our 10th wedding anniversary!

    Keep up the good work!

  2. Great week indeed!!! Enjoy it! You deserve it from all your hard work :) Have a great vacation. That path looked so lovely...I love the colours!

  3. WOOHOO!!!! I'm so happy for you!! Bout time. When are ya'll leaving? Did I miss that somethere? Anyway, sounds like you have a plan in place so just work it. I'm doing a little happy dance for you.

    You are so important to me because I've learned so much for from you. Thanks.
