
Tuesday, October 21, 2008

How could anyone 'dump' something so cute!

Shhhhhhh!!!! The baby is finally asleep!!! Yesterday someone dumped this adorable kitten at our business. It it totally tame and craves human attention, but not totally weened. It is currently residing in our guest bathroom. We need to find this little sucker a home! In the meantime, we'll continue bottle feedings and constantly changing the hot water bottle that we have given it for added warmth, should only need the extra attention for another day or so! Any suggestions for finding a home for this little gal would be much appreciated!

My weight. I"m really embarrassed and ashamed to write about this. I am currently experiences the BIGGEST setback I have had this whole journey. I weighed myself this morning at 194 pounds! YIKES! How did this happen. This past week I neverwent over my points by more than 3-5 points! That'smy flexpoints (which I do know I can't eat too often...but come on 5 pounds???)

I'm not giving up. I am going to restart my exercise regime. I've done fairly well with food thus far today. If I can manage tonight and stay within my 9 alloted points all will be good! :-)


  1. Kitten: you could put a note on the bullet board at the local veteranarians & senior centers & even the community centers.

    Weight: I think you're on the right track about stepping up the exercise. That's the same boat I'm in eight now. Hope you have better luck than I am right now.

  2. Cute kitty! Sure you don't want just one more in your home?

    Don't know what to think about your weight. I am sure it will come back down with the diligence you have shown over losing the past pounds you have lost. Maybe start back and read WW book one? Just a thought.

  3. Cute, cute kitty. I hope you find her a wonderful home.

    Have you thought about going on the core plan for a while. It sounds difficult but I've done that several times when I seem to stall. It always works. Whenever I just can't bring myself to count another point I'll review the core plan and stay on it a couple of weeks. I lose well on it. I should get back to it.

    Good luck with finding kitty a home. Have you named her?

  4. I with you!!! My setback this week was the worse yet - up 4.8lbs! ARGH!!! Back in this together though :)

  5. Anonymous1:17 PM

    I wish that I could take that baby off your hands. She looks like my cat did when she was a baby. Someone has to take her.

    I think that you need to stop eating your Flex points for a while. That combined with getting back to working out will do the trick for you. Chin's a temporary set back.

  6. Anonymous1:17 PM

    I wish that I could take that baby off your hands. She looks like my cat did when she was a baby. Someone has to take her.

    I think that you need to stop eating your Flex points for a while. That combined with getting back to working out will do the trick for you. Chin's a temporary set back.

  7. How precious!!

    If I were closer I'd take her. I'm a sucker for homeless kittens. Especially since I lost one a couple of weeks ago.

    You can do it, girl, you just need some motivation to get back in the swing with the exercise I guess. Cause it sounds like your eating is pretty good. But I'm surely not the one to try and motivate anyone to exercise. That is a four letter word for me.
