
Tuesday, September 30, 2008


I went to a Weight Watcher meeting this morning. I was not at all happy with the scales. They showed me at 186.4. So I've got 4.4 pounds until I get within that 2 pound grace area and 4.4 to get to my goal weight. I'll do it though.

It really is neat to see how I feel after my meeting. It was something that I totally needed! I feel ready to face another week and I'm totally determined to NOT gain more and to instead post a loss next week! (which will be the day before we leave for vacation!)

I was pleasantly surprised and happy to see two of my past leaders and the receptionist that I usually have attending the meeting this morning. It was good to see them and to talk to them, which I was able to do after the meeting. Ironically enough, they are in the exact same boat as myself. One of them actually took off her pants this morning when she weighed in trying to get below 'the mark'.

I came home and did a few things around the house. I cleaned out the car! It desperately needed it especially before we start to pack the car for vacation ( a week from today). I also putzed around with a few errands in the house. I also ate lunch. I had a salad, a yogurt and some applesauce. Internally I was something else, eat something else. But I didn't and I've actually been satisfied. For me, it is not a craving or hunger or fullness or's my mind telling me to eat more. I didn't listen this morning and I've been fine! I did bring along an apple to munch on here at work sometime during the mid-afternoon. I guess that time is NOW! :-)


  1. Have you tried chewing a piece of sugarless gum when you get those urges to eat after a meal? It seems to help me. I also heard brush your teeth after a meal, but I rarely think to do that, I'd rather have the gum.
    You WILL get back to goal!
    We are leaving for vacation also next week, but not until Saturday the 11th.

  2. The computer ate my comment. God grief!! Here, I'll try again...

    So glad you were rejunivated by the meeting. Just keep your mind in the right gear and you'll make it by next week. Wish it was only my mind. Since I've lost it (my mind that is) I don't think that is what makes me want to eat.

  3. OOPS...I didn't mean to type that, I meant to type "good grief." Please forgive me.

  4. 4.4lbs to goal! 4.4lbs to goal!!!! OMG!!! You should be screaming that at the top of your lungs - I ONLY HAVE 4.4LBS TO GO!!! I'm so are doing amazing! And you'll get those last pounds off no matter how long it takes, you'll do it! AMAZING!
