
Thursday, September 18, 2008


Well , what can I say. I'm a little sore this morning. I'm sure that once I actually get myself up and moving that I"ll be fine though. I haven't exercised this morning yet. I decided to let myself work some kinks out first.

My weight. I was excited and anxious to step on the scales this morning. I mean, I worked like a dog yesterday. ON I have it set up that my base metabolic burn is for a sedentary lifestyle. I figure, lets make it as hard as possible. But then I add in activity. I usually don't add in cooking and general stuff like that unless it's something I do for over 2 hours (like my day canning, etc) They say I burn about 1900 calories a day with a sedentary lifestyle. Well, I added in the digging......and the bike ride....and they say that I burned up near 3500 calories yesterday. I will say that I did eat 5 extra ww points yesterday. I also entered in my food intake into fitday, just for comparisons sake. I ate 1600 calories (actually a few over, but I can't remember the exact off the top of my head). SO my comparison was really good!

So I got on the scales........... 6/10ths of a pound up! Isn't that a hoot? I have no clue what my body is doing! Oh well, I'm just along for the ride. The only thing I can do is stay strong in my motivation and willpower!

I will say that I drank a good deal of water yesterday. I had drained my 64 ounce mug in the morning (well, all except for a little ice that was left). I had drained it a second time by dinner (including the ice that was now melted). I had a 16 oz glass of water while I made dinner and one while I ate dinner. I did drink a diet drink last night while I was on the computer. SO I would think that it SHOULDN'T be a water issue. But what else can it be????


  1. It's just your body trying to hang on to your weight for dear life!! However stay strong and you'll probably see a drop in the next few days ;_) It will go down eventually!!

  2. I always show a gain after a rigerous day of exercise. Maybe it was (and is for me) muscles forming. You know they weigh more than fat. I surely don't think it was water. You had plenty of that.

    Thanks for the celebration dance. I could see it when I read your comment.

  3. I was up as well this morning, so much for me not weighing every day! Checked back and my sodium was higher yesterday even thought I only had 1500 calories! You will get there.... keep pluggin' away!

  4. Anonymous11:53 AM

    Keep up with your careful tracking and you will be rewarded. This weight loss journey is all about trial and error. Basically we need a combo that works for us.

    Stick with it and you will be rewarded.

  5. Hi! My WW leader says that it takes a few weeks for your body to adjust to extra exercise - and like spunkysuzi wrote, your body just wants to hold on to it! I upped my exercise last week and lost 0.4lbs...I expected more. The key it to hold on and wait for your body to adjust. :)

    You look great in your photos!
