
Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Two rides and a half day off.

Did two rides today. One in the morning before normal ride. And then one this afternoon with Todd! The above picture is from after my second ride. We rode out of Williamsport on the canal (I'm standing on the east wing wall of the Catoctin Aqueduct).

I didn't weigh myself this morning. I should have. BUT, I didn't. I didn't eat all that great today...but I wasn't way overboard if that makes sense.

I only worked this morning and then Todd and I had a half day together. I can't wait until we are fully staffed once again at work so that I don't have to work on Wednesdays! That will be a huge relief!

I feel as if I've not held one thought together in this blog thus I will end it now!


  1. You look amazing!
    Just found your blog recently and went back a ways to read past entries. Congrats on maintenance, hope to be there someday myself; my goal being by the end of this year.

  2. How cute! I love on bike pictures. Your bike looks great too. Trek's are great. Two rides in one day? You're tough!

  3. You look soooooo cute in your bike get up. WooHoo on the two rides today.
