
Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Birthday vacation

Sunday morning I woke up and weighed in at 179.2 pounds!!!

It's been a busy few days. On Sunday Todd and I went up to Hershey PA. We had tickets to a hockey game. We ate lunch in Carlisle on the way up. We went to this little had pretty good food. When we got to hershey we roamed around a bit. I bought a new set of cookware for my kitchen. I bought Kitchen Aid. I love them and can't wait until I actually get to use them. We went through The chocolate world....I hadn't been through that in that was fun. The Hockey game was really neat to see. Todd hadn't ever been to a hockey game....I'd been to a few....and this onewas a fun as I remembered the other ones to be! On the way home, we at dinner at The Cracker Barrel. Nothing special or fancy...but I know what I can eat there that is still relativly healthy! I woke up the next morning...and weighed in at 179.6....not bad...we ate late and I did have a pretzel at the hockey game!

On Monday, my actual birthday,we stayed home during the day and got some projects donearound the house. We worked on the kitchen has been freezing in really cold weather (not cool at all). I got a butload of stuff over to our storage area. I cleaned out the closet really good. I cleaned the kitchen from top to bottom and the bathroom! We went out to supper and on the way home rented two movies. We watched sicko that night. I woke up on Tuesday and knew that I would be up on the scales....I was tell tale sign that I was already dehydrated. Yeppers....I was at 180.2. DARN (Could it also be because the is almost here???)

Today...Tuesday, we ran around all day. We had meetings to attend, we had some shopping to do, we volunteered athte soup kithen.....we did make it to the gym. I ate horribly! I didn't do to badly at lunch. I had soup and salad. BUT, I knew going into this little vacation time that I wanted pizza at some point. And not the pizza that is halfway healthy that I can get at home...but Pizza Hut pizza. We used to eat Pizza Hut pizza at LEAST once a week. The last i'd had it was probably 3 months least! Well, I splurged tonight! It was soooooooo good! But, who knows what the scales will say tomorrow! I'm tempted to simply now weigh myself until Saturday or Sunday......we'll see how i feel tomorrow morning!

Something wild....I FINALLY got to pick up my ring today and have it fit correctly! I went from an eight and a half to a five and a half!!!! CRAZY!!! 3 complete ring sizes different1 What a nutty thing! And yes, I'm staring at my ring like I did when I first got it....I haven't worn the ring in about a year because it hasnt fit! It's been way too lose!!!! :-)

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