
Friday, November 09, 2007

I was down a bit on the scales...not down to the 183 that I was at on Tuesday and Wednesday morning. BUT down from the 185.2 that I was at yesterday morning. I was a dead on 184 pounds this morning. That makes me VERY happy! I want to bring it down further...obviously!

This morning I was the exact same weight as a friend. It really makes me think. My friend who is the same weight wears a 8/10. Me, I'm in a 14/16. What the heck. Yeah yeah, I know that everyone carries their weight differently...but that's a HUGE difference! What in the world will I need to get down to in order to wear an 8?????? NUTTY!

I planned out what we are having for dinner. I actually did a good deal of the prep work....that way when I get off at 6 or 6:30 it twill be quick. I showed Todd what has been done and left instructions...that way, if he is done with his work, he can get it started! Woo hooo.

Work...Todd. Well.....he is working on fishing a wire through the wall. Our dryer electric line...the cable that goes from the dryer outlet to the breaker box apparently doesn't work. Our dryer was under warranty and stopped working....we called the service guy. He put a new motor in and found it still didn't work. LOVELY. Yeah, that left it being the joy. So, we bought the line...and 'rigged' it up (basically connected it at the breaker box...and ran it up the stairs and through the halls and hooked it up at the outlet) to check it. Yeah, it worked GREAT! SOOOOO thus commences the 'fishing' expedition. I'm praying that he can get it. It was being very stubborn this morning!!!

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