Friday, March 21, 2025

75 Hard Week 8: Days 50-56

 As I write this post, I am in awe that I have actually completed 8 weeks of this challenge.  (Spoiler alert, I did successfully complete week 8).  Has it been utterly perfect?  No, but have I pushed through?  Absolutely!   Some of this stuff actually is starting to feel, dare I say it; routine.  

Day 50   3.9.25

There was nothing too exciting about this day.   It was a Sunday so I was able to bypass the 5AM workout.  I still did get it done before my shower, but it was a lazy slow starting morning, so it was completed at closer to 8AM.   I did some things around the house and then we went to a local park to walk.   My food was in line at 1480.  At least in terms of this challenge.  I also got enough water and I read in my non fiction book!  Nothing too exciting...just a nice lazy Sunday.  

Day 51    3.10.25

 Monday.  It is crazy how much Mondays really still drag me down.  I am not working yet still 'live for the weekend.  I drug myself through my 5AM workout.  I kinda dreaded my outdoor walk, but I did it.     This was the day that I picked up the book Eat It, the book that I talked about in my recent post. I rarely listen to audio books but this day I did....I walked and walked at the graveyard because I wanted to keep listening!

The weather was fantastic though and I ended up taking off my hoodie/sweatshirt and walking in a teeshirt!  YAY to spring like weather!  My food was nicely in line at 1011 calories (a little low actually).

 Day 52

Seriously, another routine day.  Indoor exercise was completed.  Outdoor walk was done (at the graveyard of course) .  Water down the hatch and reading easily accomplished. My calories were right in line at 1242.  It was a good day....but nothing exciting!

Day 53   3.12.25 

I had to plan a bit for today, in terms of exercise and eating.  I knew that I was probably going to go over in my calories for the day, but I was ok with it.  It was planned.  How did I know I would probably go over?  I was meeting my brother for lunch.  

I got my 5AM exercise done as usual.  I did my job hunting and all that and then I headed to Hagerstown.  We ended up at Arby's for lunch.  It just feels good to be with my brother.  When lunch was over I went up the stairs in his workshop and started grabbing boxes and loaded my car.  I have been storing stuff in his workshop since 2014 when my previous marriage ended.  While he has told me that there is no rush, I figure that since I am not working that it is the perfect time to get some boxes and sort through it.  Seriously though, if I haven't used it in 10 years and haven't missed it, is it necessary in my life?  

It was during this part of the day that I encountered my tragedy.  I was coming down the stairs with a box in my hands and miscalculated how many steps I had left.  Luckily I only miscalculated by one so my tumble was not down a complete flight of stairs.  But I still took a tumble to the ground, landing bad knee.  I am happy that I landed on the bad knee.  Because I wouldn't want to have both knees screaming in pain.   

I didn't let it stop me.  When I was done loading the car I headed guess it.....a graveyard!  I walked in the graveyard!  It was another nice day where I just needed a teeshirt!  I was out there for about 2 hours or so!  Even with the bum knee it felt fabulous!

Water and reading were easy but my food ended up to be right at 2000 calories.   Like I knew....high!  But I allow one high calorie day a week!

Day 54   3.13.25 

Exercise at 5AM, check.  Outdoor exercise/activity in the afternoon at a graveyard, check.  The temps dropped a bit and I had to wear my sweatshirt, but it was still pleasant outside.  I also finished the book Eat it during this walk!

I kept my calories at 1381.  I got my reading done.   I drank my water.  So while it wasn't an exciting day, it was a successful day.

 Day 55 3.14.25

This was a busy day.  But I was SOOO TIRED!  I was struggling to stay awake!  I started early and got my exercise done.   I got the grocery shopping completed.  And then I headed into Hagerstown. I had a few errands to do.  So I stopped and got a few more boxes from my brothers workshop.  I spent some time at the graveyard.....walking (of course a graveyard) and then I met up with my youngest nephew and he and I took a nice long drive.  He is just gaining practice with driving stick shift. He is pretty good now, but I think he just wants to 'perfect' and become more natural (probably so he doesn't look like a putz when/if he test drives a car that has manual transmission).  Of course I think it is also because he wants to spend time with his fabulous aunt!  

My calories were capped at 1317 and every thing else was checked as as success this day,


Day 56 3.15.25

Ahhhh, finally Saturday.  I made a conscious decision this day. I decided to forego the indoor exercise.  I know how many steps I usually 'gather' when I have my indoor exercise and my outdoor exercise.  I knew that I would get the outdoor exercise for sure, but I decided that as a rest day for my body that I would call it a win as long as I was in that range of steps that I have been falling in when I do both indoor and outdoor exercise.    Cheating?   Some may say that, but I was ok with it.    We went to Frederick, Maryland and walked around some stores and various places.  HMart (an Asian grocery store) is always a fun one.  I found the pigs heads to be interesting.

I got my steps.  I read my book.  I drank my water, although it was iffy for a moment as I picked up a strawberry soda from wawa without thinking....and then realized that I still had a fair amount of water.  I didn't allow myself to take one sip of the soda until I finished my water though!  I capped my day with 1443 calories.   Another win!

The knee pain was annoying this week.  But I pushed through it and didn't let it stop me!  Everything else was on autopilot.  I am starting to consider what my plan should be when this 75 Hard is done.   I am busy  with all sorts of thoughts and plans.   And honestly, I am somewhat excited about some of those plans!   But in the meantime, I still have a few more weeks of this 75 Hard.  


Monday, March 17, 2025

Mind Blowing

 I had my mind blown this past week.   Literally blow out of the water!  As I just wrote that line I almost started laughing though, because what I am going to share is not exactly rocket science.  But it is a shift in my thinking....and kinda earth shattering for me.   You see, I read a book.......

 About a week or so ago, I wrote a post about my guilty pleasure and a concept that I had picked up from watching you tube videos.  (You can read that post here.)  One of the comments on that book as to recommend a book, (the comment was made by Mrs.Swan....who has a great blog to read)  or specifically she recommended an author.  I researched it right then and there and saw the book was called Eat It.  Mrs. Swan had kindly offered the audible, as a loan but I logged on immediately to the library app and saw that they had the audio book available right then and there.  Sadly, the book form was not available.  Not feeling very patient that day (or any day actually), I got the audio book and grabbed some headphones when I went out to my graveyard walk. (Because you know me, I love me a good graveyard walk!)  

The book is called Eat It (You can find the books link.)  

 Oh. My. Word.    This book makes so much sense.  The author kinda debunks quite a few of these fad diets, myths and ideas.  He give science behind his thoughts and he also adds personal stories to his beliefs to give the reader real life.   But lets not delay and instead lets talk about what he does believe or to be specific what I learned from this book.   

*  Weight loss is strictly calories in versus calories out.  It doesn't matter if you are eating junk food, as long as you are eating in a calorie deficit for your body, you will lose weight.   This made sense....and to back it with my own personal story, I once knew someone that was losing weight.  She had lost a fair amount of weight.  She did it by drinking pepsi!  Yup pepsi.   For 6 days a week she drank pepsi....and ate nothing.  ON the 7th day she feasted.  She wasn't tracking calories, but I am sure she was in a calorie deficit and she even admitted that on her 'feast days' she wasn't eating crazy.   Pepsi...pure junk.  Yet she lost weight because she was in a calorie deficit!

*  While weight loss is all about calories the macro nutrients are important for other reasons.  Most notably, heath  and bang for the buck.    Protein builds muscles and boosts metabolism.....Carbs give a temporary burst to fuel you for an intense workout or activity....etc. So if you are eating good calories with lost of macros you are actually helping aid your body.   I loved the analogy he used.  We can walk a mile.  A mile is a mile is a mile.  BUT you can walk a mile on flat ground or you can walk a hilly mile.   The flat mile still gives you the benefits of a mile, the same benefits of the hilly mile, but the hilly mile gives you added benefits.      For me, I don't need that temporary boost that carbs gives me all that often, but I do need the protein for muscles and to boost my metabolism.....especially at my age when muscle loss is a real thing.

* Lets talk about metabolism.  It doesn't permanently slow down when you we weight.  He said Pure myth!   His answer to this was, "Well if our metabolism slows down with weight loss the Jews that lived in concentration camps would have remained skin and bones even after their liberation.  But no, their bodies gained weight and their metabolism didn't show major adversity in the years following, they maintained normal weights after that time. (In most cases, because of course there are always extenuating circumstances) 

*The whole 'calories for the week"that I picked up in my guilty pleasure of youtube videos?  Yeah calorie cycling is what it is called.  (I've actually heard it before but always ignored it because it sounded more confusing to have high and low days and whatnot).    Their first recommendation is to go high day, low day, high day, low day with calories.   But they said that many of their clients do the low calories all week so that they can indulge on the weekend.  They talked about how many of their clients adjust what days are high to match the craziness of life (birthday parties, weddings, vacation days, etc).    They basically said the exact same thing.  Know what you need weekly, multiple it by 7 and divide it up any way you wnt for each day of the week.    (BOOOM....there goes my mind!)

* Exercise.  They do recommend strength training (that's been a sore spot with me....I don't like strength training)  but they don't advise super high intensity with training.  THey said a walk is just fine.  The important thing is to DO IT, and do do something that you actually like to do (or at least halfway enjoy doing!)

*They absolutely do not preach perfection.  They strive for the 80-20 plan.  Try to be on target 80% of the time and stop stressing about the other 20% of the time.     They set a challenge to get a calendar and two pens, one black and one red.  They say that at the end of every day they recommend that you look at your day.  If you stayed within your calories, drank your water and did whatever exercise was planned for the day that you should put a big red X in the day.  If you missed something then you put a black circle.  At the end of the month you can then easily see how you did overall.  When prescribing to the 80-20 thought process, you should have about 24-25 big red X's at the end of the month.

*Stop stressing about a half pound loss....that is what sabotages so any people. People get worried and upset about only losing a half pound and in their panic they decide that their plan is not working so the switch before their bodies really get settled into a plan.   And furthermore, maybe a half pound a week IS what a person will lose each week.  That is not a bad thing either.

The book had lots of really good tidbits and I will be making some adjustments in the near future.  I thought about making some adjustments now, but I want to finish out my 75 hard Challenge first since that has a 'diet plan' that I am following.  and while the adjustments that I am planning on making are not earth shattering or really even far off of what I am doing for my 75 hard the changes would cause me to break from my set plan and I have come this far and I don't want to break from that.  I want to finish it!  So since I am actually on day 58 out of 75 (if you don't like math, that is only 17 days away from the end) I am going to finish!  In the meantime, I am laying out my plans.  I am getting my calendar and pens ready!   Stay tuned and I will definitely be  sharing my plan going forward!












Wednesday, March 12, 2025

75 Hard Week 7: Days 43-49

 After the week of the squeak in week 6 of my 75 Hard challenge I vowed to really set it straight and have a good week.  No more squeaking through!   I was going to charge into the week full force and I was going to slay the beast.  No Squeaks.  But, well it felt too easy.  I felt like I was forgetting something.

Day 43 

This was a Sunday and I did great with my exercise.  On the weekends I don't do it at 5AM, but still complete it before I shower for the morning.  It is such a wonderful treat to not do it so early!  We ran a few errands and while I wanted to go walking on a rail trail, it didn't happen.  But never fear, I still went out and walked around the neighborhood behind us.  Jason and the dog went with me.   I went to pull out my phone to take some pictures and video....and oops.  It wasn't in my pocket.  The last half of the walk I was admittedly a wreck because I had no clue where my phone was! (It was left in the c

ar after our errands).  But with that snafu, I didn't get a single solitary picture!

I did fine with my reading and my water. I ended the day with my calorie count at 1356.  All in all, it wasn't a bad day!

Day 44

I started out strong with my indoor exercise at 5AM.   I have been choosing 'lighter' things.  More 'walk away the pounds' type of exercise.  I am trying to ease up the knee.  The last few weeks have been miserable and I don't like that.  So another easier workout.  Still 45 minutes.  Still sweaty.  Still elevated heart rate....just less twisting, squatting and lunges!  I headed out with the dog early and we spent a good half hour or so romping around the yard.

I left my house at around 9AM and headed to my brothers house where I met up with my oldest nephew.  He was kind enough to indulge me in my new somewhat weird hobby.  We went to a graveyard and walked around.  My hobby is locating graves and taking pictures of the stones (for people that have requested it on  So my nephew tagged alone and we had a fun time....well at least I had a fun time!  hahahah   

The reading was done before I even hit the shower.  The water was not a problem.  And my calories were at 1342. 

Day 45

Exercise started as normal.  And then my in-laws called and asked if I wanted help with the mulch pile.  Yes, I worked on the never ending mulch pile again. Last week pert near killed me. Ok, that is a bit dramatic, but I was sore...not from achy muscles but from various ailments within my body!  (You can read about it here.)   So this week I made the statement "only for an hour or so'.   I wore a knee brace and we stopped after an hour and a half.   I am sooo happy to say that my knee fared so much better this week!  But hey, it was good outdoor exercise!

I continued reading the same non fiction book, with really isn't a fun one to read!  My water drinking was in line and my calories were at 1359.  Another win!

Day 46

What can I was another good day. I managed everything with grace. My outdoor exercise was the only thing that gave me issues.  It was rainy all day and I was dreading it.   I did manage to go out at the last minute...I put dinner on the grill.....cranked some music and walked/danced in the backyard while dinner was cooking.  30 minutes barely completed!   My calories were at 1314 and everything went well.   

Day 47

Indoor exercise completed.   Outdoor exercise was at the graveyard...I was there for a LONG time and enjoyed myself even though it was cold!  Water was taken care of.  Reading done....almost done with the book thank goodness.  Calories were at 1476, a little close but still under the goal!  Other than the close call with the calories, it seemed easy.  

Day 48

I did an indoor exercise with a lady that does zumba and I got brave and did some squats.  Not many, but I did some.  I thankfully was no worse for the wear!   I showered and then promptly fell asleep (even though I had slept really well all night long).   So I was late heading out to grocery shop.  It was a about 40 but super windy.  I made a quick executive decision to head to a graveyard for a walk before shopping.  I knew that if I shopped first and then went home that it would be MURDER to go back out!  So I got my graveyard walk (an hour and fifteen minutes) in before I did my shopping.   WISE decision!

My water was a bit tricky , but I got it the skin of my teeth. I was SURE that I had gone over my calories for the day.  I didn't want to, but I do have that free day once a week so I wasn't too upset.  So imagine my surprise when I looked at my calorie count after everything was entered and saw that I was at 1491 for the day!

The biggest news of all for the day was that I FINALLY finished the non fiction book I was reading!  FINALLY.   Part memoir part instructional. It was just really slow reading and well....just not my cup of tea!

Day 49

A lazy weekend day was upon us!   I got a nice lazy start and didn't exercise at 5AM.   It feels good to relax a bit before starting. HOWEVER,it hangs over my head until I do it!    I make it a shower until the exercise is done! That works because I need my shower!     We did one or two things around the house but just took an easy day.   We did go out for a walk in the afternoon!  A graveyard of course.  Graveyards seem to be my thing lately!  This one has a Jewish cemetery within it.  The fancy arch over the walkway entering it caught my eye today!

 I started a new non fiction book.  I have high hopes for it, it sounds so interesting!   I got my water in.....guzzled it to finish it before dinner.  I knew we were going to pick up burgers from 5Guys and I knew that I would want to have a diet soda....they have Fanta Strawberry and Cherry pop!   YUM!   So my water was done early!    As you can guess my calories were a bit higher since we went to 5Guys!   Seriously, dinner alone took up my base allotment of calories!  But I ended the day at 1888.  I wasn't worried though.  While my goal and rule to meet the 75 Hard challenge is 1500 calories a day, I built in a once a week cheat day which would allow me to go over that as long as I had earned the calories via exercise!  So all is well and I am still on track and meeting my daily goals!

 Who know that when I started this challenge back in January that I would still be going strong.   I'm not seeing much progress on the scales, but I am TOTALLY seeing progress in my fitness levels.  I am able to work outside and /or walk for so much longer than I had been doing.  I am also doing it with no muscle  aches and pains (boy were those first weeks rough).   While I wouldn't say that I am 'fit' I can see that I am making strides in the right direction.   But even more importantly, I know believe that I CAN do it!





Monday, March 10, 2025

Weigh in #9 for 2025

 9 weigh ins completed for the year 2025!   I have to be honest though and say that I have mixed feelings about it though!  It's kinda like the common thoughts that wow it's been 9 weeks  already, where has time gone but in the same breath thinking 9 weeks, it seems like a lifetime ago!   That is how I feel about the weigh in.  I have two totally conflicting emotions in regards to my weigh in. 

Let me just put it out there right now.  I lost 0.4 pounds this week.  I am not looking a gift horse in the mouth.  A half of a pound is fantastic!  It's a loss.  It's incredible.  But....shouldn't it be more.  I mean, I am working my tail end off with exercise.  I have tracked my food religiously and kept within my set boundaries.  I have drank my water.  I have done incredible (Thank you 75 Hard)!    

And that is where the divide lays.  I am tickled.  I have lost just about 10 pounds this year.   Yay.  10 pounds gone!  I am all about celebrating the loss of those 10 pounds.   That turns out to be just over a pound a week.   I'll take it!  Gladly!   Any loss is a win.   But at my weight, which is currently at 264 pounds, I should be dropping weight like mad!  It should be a whole lot more than this weeks measly half pound.  It should even be more than the 1 pound average that I have been posting.  It should be flying off of me so fast that people around me should be ducking to avoid it!  But it's not. 

I had recently talked about adding more protein into my daily diet.   Protein is more difficult for me because I am not a huge fan of meat.  I don't really like eggs. (Well, I like eggs...but they have to be hidden within a delicious cake or a soft gooey cookie!)  Protein is difficult for me.  In a quest to add more, I turned to 'products.  One of those products was a protein pancake mix.  Great option, right?  Except that I was forgetting that carbs are a kryptonite for me.  I love them....once I start I can't stop!   And even worse, I know for my body that I can't indulge complex carbs (pastas, white potatoes and breads.....including pancakes) more than one time a day.   I loved every last morsel of that box of pancake mix.  And when it was done, I still had some pancake syrup here at the house so I just made my own from scratch.   Bad bad bad.   I recognized the pitfall and didn't buy another box of pancake mix nor did I buy more maple syrup! 

 While I was super focused on the protein my calories slipped upward.  I know from experience that I don't lose weight at 1500 calories.  I lose weight when I am between 1200 and 1350.  Yet I was eating my protein with wild abandon and ignoring that wee little fact.

So where does that leave me?    I need to get back to basics.  I need to get my calories back down to the level where I know I lose.  I need to limit my carbs (goodbye pancakes).  And for my body and for my AGE, I need to keep my protein levels higher.   I will keep the protein higher by adding in protein bars (which I had already started)  but also by doing something I swore off years ago.   What am I talking about?  I am talking about yogurt.  Years ago (wow I was still at the bank so more than 10 years ago) I wrote about how I was not going to eat foods that I don't really like simply because they are 'good for me'.  I can't find the post at the moment, but I remember sitting eating a cup of yogurt. (It was a weight watchers brand yogurt that I had picked up at the grocery they even still make those things?)  As I shoveled the yogurt into my mouth I thought to myself "man, I really don't like this" and at that moment I made a decision to stop eating something that I don't really like just because it is 'good for you'.      Well, I am backtracking.  I would rather eat some yogurt versus meat!    So Yogurt it is!  I will be buying a weeks worth of yogurt and seeing how that goes.  Will it last more than a week?  I am not sure, but I'm going to give it a go!  

Saturday, March 08, 2025

Learning Lessons from my Guilty Pleasure

 I have picked up a guilty pleasure.   Seriously, I'm kinda embarrassed to admit this.  It's ...well.  Seriously, I don't want to say it!  But I will.  I have gotten sucked into watching some youtube channels of 'professional' eaters.  I told you....embarrassing!

 Ok, so what comes to mind for you I am sure is the hot dog eating contests where people are shoveling hot dogs into their mouths in the most disgusting of manners.  This is not like that.....well most of the time. 

It started when I stumbled upon  a channel called "Katina Eats Kilos".   This gal is ....well in one way dainty.  She is not all.  She is on the shorter side....but she is muscular.  Her videos are pretty 'clean'.  She doesn't shovel the food with wild abandon.  She eats as daintily as possible as someone can when they are eating POUNDS of food in a short amount of time.  I was immediately intrigued because seriously.  This girl is fit.  I would say not an ounce of fat on her! (Ok, she may beg to differ...but seriously, if you say this gal anywhere else you would NEVER think she was a professional eater!)

From "Katina Eats Kilos" it was a really easy jump to the channel "Beard Meats Food".  This guy is again thin! He always laughs because when he 'wins tees hirts they almost never have a size medium because they assume it will always be a large guy who attempts and manages to complete said challenge.    I actually enjoy watching "Beard" more than Katina.....I just enjoy the way Beard includes the people in the restaurant in his videos and his humor.  BUT beard sometimes can get a bit 'messy' with his eating (don't say you weren't warned).....but not all the time.  

But Seriously....why am I writing about this?  Because, They are literally eating 5-6 or even more pounds in 30-60 minutes yet they are thin.   And almost without fail each of them completes a challenge and then orders dessert!   And they are thin!   What's up with this.     I am writing because I have watched videos from each of these youtubers where they talk about their eating.    I have heard each of them talk about their 'non challenge' days of eating.   They are eating yogurt....and salads....and HEALTHY.    I have heard them talk about how they know their maintenance calories needed per day.  And how they thus then know their maintenance calories needed for a week (daily need times 7) and how it's really two things.  1.   Knowing that the one day of their challenge may blow a LOT of their weekly adjust the rest of the week accordingly.   and 2.  Eating healthy 80% (or more) of the week and then it doesn't matter as much about the 20% where they are shoveling the food in faster than an average person would think possible!

What is the take away for my weight loss journey. 

1.  I don't have to be perfect ALL the time.  

2.  Instead of working myself into a state of panic (or the mentality that I had failed and totally messed up) when I have a bad day, just make sure that the next 6 days are good ones.  In essence average the calories for the WEEK and I will probably realize that as long as I didn't throw in the towel after the bad day, that the weekly average was just fine!, I

3.  If you do indulge.....make sure the rest of the week is nutritious with GOOD calories!

 So while I will probably continue to watch these videos....I will make it clear that while I sometimes feel as if I could put those eaters to shame, I have NO INTENTION of ever taking on one of those challenges.  Kudos to them for figuring out their bodies and having the willpower to keep the indulgent eating at a minimum.  For me, I'm good with a normal serving!



Wednesday, March 05, 2025

It was a squeak of a week! 75 Hard Week 6: Days 36 to 42

 I am still pushing through the 75 hard challenge.  But this week could be categorized as the week of the squeak!

Day 36

 I may have been alone with my indoor exercise on this Sunday, but I didn't have to go outside alone!  Jason and I headed to the Cedar Grove Cemetery where I was able to walk around the graveyard and get my outside exercise completed.  This was my third trip to this graveyard within a few days so I knew the lay of the land, but graveyards are the kind of place that you can go back a gazillion times and still see a different name or a different gravestone!  


 My calories were on the high side. However, I managed a win with 1463 as my daily total!  My water was easy this day as was my reading!

 Day 37

This was the most routine day that I had all week.  I got my indoor exercise completed.  I went for a walk outside (at a graveyard of course) and got my outdoor exercise completed.  My water slipped down the hatch easily and my reading was spot on.   It was so mundane that I didn't even film or take many pictures!  I did take one picture, which is when the dog and I went to the bank!


My calories.....once again I squeaked out the win with 1493!

 Day 38

This is the day that pert near did me in!  The day started wonderfully.  I did my indoor exercise.  I got my reading done.  I was drinking my water. The weather was FABULOUS!  The day was going splendidly!  It was going so splendidly that I decided to go outside and work on one of the projects that I have hanging over my head.  That project is a mulch pile that I need to get spread!  I worked outside for a few hours.  It felt like I barely made a dent in the pile.......and the work of moving the mulch up a steep hill just about did my knees in!   I had been having issues with my knees the last week or so, but this day ratcheted up the pain 100%!

Once again, I barely squeaked in my calories with my total being 1444. 

 Day 39

I was still hurting pretty badly from the day before.  My knees ached.  Yes, KNEES.   Both of them were screaming with arthritic agony!  I tried to do a lighter workout for my indoor workout and I kept my outdoor exercise as light as I could also!  

Water and reading posed no issue for me and my calories were the lowest they had been all week at 1354.

Day 40

I started my day early.  I got  my indoor exercise in and I knew that I was going away for a good portion of the morning and early afternoon so I got out with the dog and spent about 45 -50 minutes outside with her early in the day.  I had grand plans to go for an 'official' walk in the afternoon, but laid plans sometimes are the biggest failures.  

My morning activity was shopping and running into some stores with my mother in law.  I was on my feet all morning....and on concrete.  My knee was KILLING me when we got back and I chose to spend the rest of the afternoon resting it.   I squeaked out my calories with my daily count being 1482.   For the first time in this whole 75 Hard Challenge I also really squeaked out my water.  I got it in, but it was tight!

Day 41

Another crazy busy day.  I got the indoor exercise done and got the dog out for about 30 minutes in the morning.  I wasn't planning on using the dog walk as my exercise.. because it wasn't a full 45 minutes, it was closer to the 30 minute mark.  But my day just flew by and I didn't have another opportunity to get out again!  Thus I really squeaked out the exercise this day!

Reading was easy.  Water was ok and my calories were so close at 1473. (Another squeaker day for the calories.) I finally finished the last non fiction and moved onto the next one....I think it's gonna be a 'snoozer' book though as it seems rather dry thus far! It's called Stupid Things I Won't do When I get Old. (You can check it out link)


Day 42

The first day of March and a Saturday, what a great combination!  With my knee pain, I decided to do a really light indoor workout and I did Yoga!   For the outside workout, we headed to a graveyard of course!   We made a couple of laps around the Norland Cemetery in Chambersburg.  We also checked out an old Presbyterian Graveyard and also the Fort Chambers Park.  

The water was again squeaked out!  And if squeaking the water isn't bad enough, I also squeaked out my calories with my daily total being 1781.

 It was definitely not a grand week.  I am happy to say that I didn't mess up my 75 hard, but it was CLOSE and I totally squeaked some of those days (guzzling water at the last minute.....calories that couldn't have been must closer without going over......defaulting to the walks with the dog as outdoor exercise).  But I made it!  I am vowing that this week will NOT be so close!  No more squeakers!



Monday, March 03, 2025

Picture a day for 365 days : Days 117 to 123

 The last week of February passed with some of the most fantastic weather!   It was in the 50's most days and was a real treat!  Could spring really be around the corner???

Day 117  2/22/2025

Back to the graveyard to walk.  This day I was with Jason as it was a Sunday!   This particular graveyard is the home to an ancestor of of my maternal grandfathers ancestors to be exact.

Day 11/  2/23/2025

I am so 'blessed' to have a dog that likes to supervise me while I am exercising!   Some days she gets in the way....ok, most days, but hey, she is there with me! Even worse, if I do any floor work, I usually have a hundred pound dog jump on top of me.......added weight for resistance!

Day 119  2/24/2025

 Zoey and I took a trip together.  We went to the 'cookie store'.  Ok, that is how we refer to it with her.  In reality it is the bank!  But hey, they do give her cookies!

Day 120  2/25/2025

The weather was fabulous so I was able to get outside and work on some projects.  One of the projects was the seemingly never ending pile of mulch!   I got about 1/4 of it moved! The bad thing though was that it KILLED my knee.  I was already having issues with the arthritis but that day just decimated it!

Day 121  2/26/2025

After annihilating my knee with the mulch, I decided to take a wee break from working on the pile of mulch.  So I headed back to a graveyard to get my outside walk in!  This is in the Jewish cemetery that is part of Lincoln Cemetery in Chambersburg, PA.

Day 122  2/27/2025

Zoey and I spent a lot of time outside early in the morning.  I had plans for the day and wanted to give her lots of outside time before I cooped her up in the house when I went away.  Of course we had to take a picture for Jason!

Day 123  2/28/2025

The last day of the month was a busy one for me!  I started early with the dog outside, moved on to groceries.  I did some job hunting.  I went to mom's house to clean.  I went driving with my nephew (he has recently learned to drive stick and I am the only one with a manual transmission car). I made dinner.  Yes, it was a busy day!

The month of February just flew by!   The last week the weather was fantastic.   You can see on day 122 that I was outside in a sweatshirt...and that picture was taken at about 7 in the morning.  I am hopeful that the weather is changing and this is the start of spring.  Yet, I am fearful because March can bring a whole variety of weather!